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Shoes and Foot Infection in Diabetics

Shoes and Diabetic Foot Infection

  • Ill-fitting shoes can cause infections in diabetics. Ask your podiatrist to give you recommendation and/or prescription for therapeutic shoes specially made for diabetic feet at risk.

  • This patient used this tight high heel shoes. It was too tight causing pressure to the side of the foot. She had neuropathy and did not feel much discomfort from the shoe. The blister on the side of the foot broke and got infected.

  • Infection is spreading on top of the foot.
  •  She was admitted to a hospital for treatment and infection was cleared. But left with an chronic non-healing ulcer.
  • Why was it taking so long and why is it still not completely healed?

  • MRI tells there is a bone infection under the ulcer.
  • The infected bone had to be removed surgically in an attempt to clear the infection and avoid an amputation.
  • It took several months to heal. As you can see, this diabetic person had a small blister from a tight shoe. It took over 3 months to heal without amputation. The expense incurred from this blister includes hospital stay, operation, intravenous antibiotics, ER visits, doctor’s visits, disability and loss of work.